
May 26, 2021 Joins the Organic Trade Association Encouraging Strong Organic Standards and Regulations


The Organic Trade Association represents over 9500 businesses that make organic products across 50 states. A variety of members are involved, showcasing the diversity of the organic industry – from small and large organic farmers to national and local organic producers, distributors and brick and mortar organic retail chains; the OTA works hard to promote and protect organic products and services. 

They ensure each section along the organic value chain is adequately represented with a strong voice from the public and government. In addition to that, they bring the US organic industry to developing markets across the globe. This initiative creates new opportunities for organic products via educational programs, international promotions, business-to-business connections, and trade negotiations. 

The OTA provides their members with the opportunity to work closely together through advocacy, networking and other initiatives. They protect and encourage organic farming practices. is proud to be a member of the OTA and support its vision of achieving excellence in growing organic. Together, we can protect the environment and promote the well-being of our communities.


Our goal as members is to:

  • Establish organic trade based on common organic standards
  • Work harmoniously with the environment to promote sustainability
  • Support the need for organic agriculture for greater economic viability
  • Aim to protect the diversity of our lives through community outreach
  • Recognize the connection between all parts of an organic community
  • Understand that the foundation of the organic industry is organic farms
  • Apply a whole systems approach to agricultural business practices
  • Support our human right to choose and be knowledgeable of the marketplace


Together, we will:

  • Be advocates for continuous change. There is always room for constant improvement via private and public value-chain initiatives and through the support of private-public partnerships.
  • Be innovative. The OTA aims to advance organic agriculture and trade while remaining consistent with its organic principles.
  • Be solutions-focused. Always giving members the ability to learn, lead, interact and problem-solve across the supply chain.
  • Be proactive. Planning for the future helps build a diverse membership and creates long-term goals ensuring financial sustainability. 

Over the past 30 years, the OTA has used its unifying voice to engage its diverse membership from farm to marketplace. They understand that food systems and social injustices are deeply connected, so they are making a conscious effort to ensure that their successes do not impede the social equality of communities. By helping to shape an inclusive organic market, the OTA supports building an industry capable of empowering those involved and inciting collaborative actions. To find out more about how the OTA shapes the future of organic food and farming, visit their website and connect to a vibrant community of organic business professionals.