
July 20, 2020

Coligny Creek Egg Co.

Vendor Story

The story begins in Mt. Lehman's community, with a red-roofed barn built by a compassionate family dedicated to animal welfare. Coligny Creek Egg Co. has been nurturing chickens and producing premium eggs in BC's beautiful Fraser Valley for over 35 years.


Coligny Creek Egg Co. is committed to ethical farming practices. Their eggs are free-range, and their cherished, outdoor-roaming hens are fed a premium vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. These happy hens lay exceptional eggs and are enjoyed by those who appreciate 'a good egg' with moral standards.


As a small, local business with real authenticity, knowledge, and integrity, Coligny Creek Egg Co. contributes all the right ingredients to create an exemplary environment, producing 'impeccable eggs'.


They have two main varieties – free-range organic and free-range. 'Free Range' is all about access to outdoor space. 'Organic' refers to what they eat. Hens are allowed to roam outside on pasture during daylight hours and eat an organic all-vegetarian feed.

As well, all of the ingredients for the feed come from certified organic farms.


Because of the nutrients that the hens eat, the free-range egg yolks have a darker orange colour compared to the bright sunny yellow of the organic eggs. Either way, you can enjoy their delicious eggs in so many ways.


Use them to cook and bake your favourite recipes, scrambled for breakfast, or fried sunny side up to garnish the top of your pasta! You can also try poaching them and eating on top of toast or breakfast potatoes.


For more information on their farm, visit their website and follow them on Facebook


Be sure you have a chance to visit them as well to learn more about their process and one-of-a-kind product! They’re open Tuesday to Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM.



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