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Each Order contains [1] 10 LBS of FROZEN ORGANIC Blueberries in "Zip-Lock" bag and box
Certified by FVOPA, spray-free and chemical-free berries!
Are blueberries healthy? Just look at these stats:
Low in Fat -
A 250ml (1 cup) serving of blueberries is all it takes to make up one of the 7-10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables recommended by the Canadian Food Guide – with just 40 calories, and virtually no fat.
Blueberries are packed with Vitamin C -
One serving delivers almost 25% of one’s daily vitamin C requirement1, helping gums, capillaries and the immune system. Just one of the many benefits of blueberries.
A good source of Fibre -
A handful of blueberries helps satisfy recommended daily fibre intake, providing nutrition that helps keep the body regular, the heart healthy and cholesterol in check.
An excellent source of Manganese -
Along with other vitamins in blueberries, manganese plays an important role in bone development and in converting proteins, carbs and fats into energy.
Blueberries and a balanced diet work together for good health.
Antioxidants in Blueberries
Anthocyanins, are a group of antioxidant compounds responsible for the amazing colour of blueberries. They also help eliminate free radicals, produced through biological reactions in the body and factors such as sun, pesticides and pollutants.